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张为师 副教授
2022-02-27 16:00  
















  本科生课程: 环境经济学、环境影响评价案例分析



[1] 主持国家自然科学基金(项目编号:72104178)

[2] 主持天津市教委科研计划项目(项目编号:2021KJ184)。

[3] 国家重大科学研究计划,《气候变化经济过程的复杂性机制、新型集成评估模型簇与政策模拟平台研发》子课题《气候变化下中国区域增长与公平控制》(2012CB955803,2012.01-2016.12,参与。

[4] 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划,《我国参与行业减排承诺方案设计及对策研究》 (2007BAC03A07-08)    2007-2010,参与。

[5] 国家发改委中国清洁发展机制基金,《国际行业减排方案的影响及我国应对策略研究》,2011-2013,参与。

[6] 新黄金城667733人才引进项目基金,2020-2023年。



[1]     WeishiZhang*, YingXu, CanWang, David G.Streets. Assessment of     the driving factors of CO2 mitigation costs of household biogas systems in     China: A LMDI decomposition with cost analysis model. Renewable Energy. Volume     181, January 2022, Pages 978-989 (SCI, IF: 8, JCR一区,中科院一区TOP)

[2] Weishi     Zhang, Jionghua Wang, Ying Xu, Can Wang, David G.Streets.     Analyzing the spatio-temporal variation of the CO2 emissions from district     heating systems with “Coal-to-Gas” transition: Evidence from GTWR model and     satellite data in China. Science of The Total Environment.     Volume 803, 10 January 2022, 150083. (SCI, IF:7.9, JCR一区,中科院一区TOP)

[3] Ying     Xu, Weishi Zhang*, Jionghua Wang, Siping Ji, Can Wang,     David G. Streets. Investigating the spatially heterogeneous impacts of     urbanization on city-level industrial SO2 emissions: Evidence from     night-time light data in China. Ecological Indicators. Volume 133, December     2021, 108430. (SCI, IF:7.9, JCR一区,中科院二区,第一通讯作者)

[4] Tengfei     Huo*, Weiguang Cai, Weishi Zhang*, Jing Wang, Ya Zhao,     Xisheng Zhu. How does income level impact residential-building heating     energy consumption? Micro-level evidence from household surveys.     Environmental Impact Assessment Review28 July 2021. (SSCI, IF4.5,     共同通讯作者)

[5] Siping     Ji, Weishi Zhang, Ying Xu, Yujian Wang, Wendai     Lv, Bashir Ahma, Shixiong Wang. Analysis of the spillover effect between     CO2 and other pollutants in China. Ecological Indicators. Volume 129,     October 2021, 107988. (SCI, IF:7.9, JCR一区,中科院二区)

[6] Weishi     Zhang *, Stern, D., Liu, X., Cai, W., Wang, C., An analysis of     the costs of energy saving and CO2 mitigation in rural households in China.     Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 165, 1 November 01. 2017, Pages     734-745. (SCI/SSCI, IF:7.2, JCR一区,中科院一区TOP)

[7] Weishi     Zhang, Can Wang, Long Zhang, Zifeng Lu, Yuan Xu, David G.     Streets, Evaluation of the Performance of Distributed and Centralized     Biomass Technologies in China. Renewable Energy, 2018. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 6.3,     JCR一区,中科院一区TOP)

[8] Weishi     Zhang, Jiang L, Cui Y, Xu Y, Wang C, Yu J, et al. Effects of     urbanization on airport CO2 emissions: A geographically weighted approach     using nighttime light data in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling.     2019;150:104454. (SCI/SSCI, IF:8.1 JCR一区,中科院一区TOP)

[9] Weishi     Zhang, Cui Y, Wang J, Wang C, Streets DG. How does urbanization     affect CO2 emissions of central heating systems in China? An assessment of     natural gas transition policy based on nighttime light data. Journal of     Cleaner Production. 2020;276:123188. (SCI/SSCI, IF:7.3, JCR一区,中科院一区TOP)

[10] Weishi     Zhang; Li, Aitong; Xu, Yuan; Liu, Junfeng. The Theory-Practice     Gap of Black Carbon Mitigation Technologies in Rural China. Atmospheric     Environment, Volume 174, February 2018, Pages 122-131 (SCI/SSCI, IF:4.2,     JCR一区,中科院二区,TOP)

[11] Weishi     Zhang; Zifeng Lu; Yuan Xu; Can Wang; Yefu Gu; Hui Xu; David     George Streets. Black carbon emissions from biomass and coal in rural     China. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 176, March 2018, Pages 158-170.     (SCI/SSCI, IF:4.2, JCR一区,中科院二区,TOP)

[12]     Yefu Gu,WeishiZhang*, Yuanjian Yang, CanWang, David     G.Streets, Steve Hung LamYim*. Assessing outdoor air quality and public     health impact attributable to residential black carbon emissions in rural     China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019;150:104454. (SCI/SSCI,     IF:8.1 JCR一区,中科院一区TOP,第一通讯作者).

[13]Yuanzheng     Cui, Weishi Zhang*, Haijun Bao, Can Wang, David G.     Streets. Spatiotemporal dynamics of nitrogen dioxide pollution and urban     development: Satellite observations over China, 2005–2016. Resources,     Conservation and Recycling, Volume 142, March 2019, Pages 59-68. (SCI/SSCI,     IF8.1, 中科院一区TOP,通讯作者).

[14]     Yuanzheng Cui, Weishi Zhang*, Can Wang, David Streets.     Spatiotemporal dynamics of CO2 emissions from central heating supply in the     North China Plain over 2012–2016 due to natural usage. Applied Energy.     Volume 241, 1 May 2019, Pages 245-256 (通讯作者,SCIIF:7.9. 中科院一区TOP,第一通讯作者)

[15]     Yuanzheng Cui, Lei Jiang*, Weishi Zhang*, Haijun Bao,     Bin Geng, Qingqing He,Long Zhang and David G. Streets. Evaluation of     China’s Environmental Pressures Based on Satellite NO2 Observations and the     Extended STIRPAT Model. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(9),     1487 (SCI/SSCI, IF:2.0)

[16] Siping     Ji, Fengzhi Jiang, Jingzhong Li, Yujian Wang, Weishi Zhang*.     Assessment of the performances of pollutant discharge fee in China. Ecological     Indicators. Volume 125, June 2021, 107468(通讯作者,中科院一区)

[17]     Can Wang, Weishi Zhang, Wenjia Cai, Xi Xie, 2013.     Employment impacts of CDM projects in China's power sector, Energy Policy,     51, 481-491. 2013.08.SSCIIF:4.1, JCR一区,中科院一区)

[18]     Ying Wang , Lidan Tian, Junrong Xia, Weishi Zhang and     Kaifeng Zhang. Economic Assessment of the Peer-to-Peer Trading Policy of     Distributed PV Electricity: A Case Study in China. Sustainability 2020,     12(13), 5235. 2020.06. SSCI, IF: 2.6.

[19]     Long Zhang, Wuliyasu Bai, Jing Yu, Linmao Ma, Jingzheng Ren, Weishi     Zhang and Yuanzheng Cui. Critical Mineral Security in China: An     Evaluation Based on Hybrid MCDM Methods. Sustainability 2018, 10(11), 4114.     2019.10. SSCI, IF:2.6.

[20]     SipingJi, WuyiMa, Qianwen Wei, Weishi Zhang, Fengzhi     Jiang, Jing Chen, Integrated ABR and UASB system for dairy wastewater     treatment: Engineering design and practice. Science of The Total     Environment. 2020.12. (SCI 一区,中科院TOP, IF:6.6).

[21]     Xianbing Liu, Can Wang, Weishi Zhang, Sunhee Suk,     Kinichi Sudo, 2013. Company's affordability of increased energy costs due     to climate policies: A survey by sector in China, Energy Economics, 36(3):     419-430. 2013.03. (SSCI, IF:3.2. JCR一区)

[22]     Xianbing Liu, Can Wang, Weishi Zhang, Sunhee Suk,     Kinichi Sudo, 2013. Awareness and acceptability of Chinese companies on     market-based instruments for energy saving: A survey analysis by sectors,     Energy for Sustainable Development, 17(3): 228-239. 2013.06. (SCIIF:     2.8, JCR一区,中科院二区).

[23]Yuan     Xu, Jing Song, Weishi Zhang, 2014. Decomposing the     impacts of time use on energy consumption. Energy Procedia. 61:1888-1892.     DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro. 2014.12.235 (EI).

[24]     Long Zhang, Jing Yu, Jingzheng Ren, Linmao Ma, Weishi Zhang,     Hanwei Liang. How can fuel cell vehicles bring a bright future for this     dragon? Answer by multi-criteria decision making analysis. International Journal     of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 41, Issue 39, 19 October 2016, Pages     17183-17192. (SCI, IF:3.6 , JCR一区, 中科院一区).

[25] Da     An, Beidou Xi, Jingzheng Ren, Xusheng Ren, Weishi Zhang,     Yue Wang, Lichun Dong.Multicriteria sustainability assessment of urban     sludge treatment technologies: Method and case study. Resources,     Conservation and Recycling, 23 August 2016. (SCIIF3.3 , JCR二区,中科院三区).

[26] 王灿, 蔡闻佳, 李淑祎, 张为师, 高良英, 行业方法和国际技术开发与转让, 北京: 经济科学出版社,     2009. (ISBN 978-7-5058-8833-3)

Wang     Can, Cai Wenjia, Li Shuyi, Zhang Weishi, Gao     Liangying, Sectoral Approach and International Technology Development and     Transfer. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2009.

[27] 崔远政, 姜磊, 张为师, . 2019. 中国西部人为源NO2污染的时空分布及影响因素研究[J]. 环境科学学报, 39(12): 4152-4161




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