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2023-05-19 08:43  















1. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目,22JCQNJC00470,考虑聚集效应的空间连续森林垂直叶面积指数反演方法研究,2022/10-2024/09,在研(主持)

2. 国家自然基金面上项目,41971288,植被聚集指数的遥感反演、尺度效应及产品验证方法研究,2020/01-2023/12,在研(参与)

3. 国家自然基金面上项目,41571326,利用多角度数据提取双向反射分布函数(BRDF)原型的方法与应用研究,2016/01-2019/12,结题(参与)

4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41801237,基于随机森林模型的高分辨率聚集指数产品生成算法及其尺度效应研究,2019/01-2021/12,在研(参与)

5. 博士后科学基金面上项目,2018M641245,基于环境星数据的聚集指数产品生成算法研究2018/11-2019/07,结题(参与)


1.Lei   Cui, Mei Sun, Ziti Jiao, Jongmin Park, Muge Agca, Hu Zhang, Long He,   Yiqun Dai, Yadong Dong, Xiaoning Zhang, Yi Lian, Lei Chen, Kaiguang Zhao. (2022).   Effectiveness of the Reconstructed MODIS Typical-Angle Reflectances on Forest   Biomass Estimation[J]. Remote Sensing, 14, 5475.SCI

2. Mei   Sun, Lei Cui*, Jongmin Park, Mariano García, Yuyu Zhou, Carlos Alberto   Silva, Long He, Hu Zhang, Kaiguang Zhao. (2022). Evaluation of NASA’s   GEDI Lidar Observations for Estimating Biomass in Temperate and Tropical   Forests[J]. Forests, 13, 1686.SCI

3. Cui,   L., Jiao, Z.*, Zhao, K., Sun, M., Dong, Y., Yin, S., Zhang, X., Guo, J.,   Xie, R., Zhu, Z., Li, S., & Tong, Y. (2021). Retrieving   Forest     Canopy Elements Clumping Index using ICESat   GLAS Lidar Data. Remote     Sensing, 13, 948 (SCI)

4. Cui,   L., Jiao, Z.*, Zhao, K., Sun, M., Dong, Y., Yin, S., Li, Y., Chang, Y.,   Guo, J., Xie, R., Zhu, Z., & Li, S. (2020). Retrieval of   Vertical     Foliage Profile and Leaf Area Index Using   Transmitted Energy Information     Derived from ICESat   GLAS Data. Remote Sensing, 12, 2457 (SCI)

5. Cui,   L., Jiao, Z.*, Dong, Y., Sun, M., Zhang, X., Yin, S., Ding, A., Chang,   Y., Guo, J., & Xie, R. (2019). Estimating Forest Canopy Height   Using     MODIS BRDF Data Emphasizing Typical-Angle   Reflectances. Remote Sensing,11, 2239 (SCI)

6. Cui,   L., Jiao, Z.*, Sun, M., Dong, Y., Zhang, X., Yin S., Chang Y., Ding A.,   Xie R., & Guo J. (2019). Retrieval of the Forest Leaf Area Index   Based on the Laser Penetration Ratio from the GLAS Waveform Lidar Data. In,   2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),   8972-8975 (EI)

7. Dong,   Y., Jiao, Z.*, Cui, L., Yin, S., Chang Y., Zhang, X., He   D.,     & Ding A. (2018). The Influence of   Snow Cover on the Seasonal Variation     of Global   Clumping Index Products. In, 2018 IEEE International   Geoscience     and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),   5406-5409 (EI)

8. Sun,   M., Bo, Y.*, Cui, L., & Li, R. (2019). An Improved   Fmask     Algorithm in Tropical Regions for Landsat   Images. In, 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium   (IGARSS), 1562-1565 (EI)

9. Yin,   S., Jiao, Z.*, Dong, Y., Cui, L., Ding A., Zhang, X., Chang   Y.,     Zhang, X., Xie, R., & Guo, J. (2019).   Modeling Landsat Clumping Index     Basing On MODIS and   Field Data: A Machine Learning Approach. In, 2019 IEEE International   Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),6570-6573 (EI)

10.Dong,   Y., Jiao, Z.*, Cui, L., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Yin, S.,   Ding,     A., Chen, J.M., Chang, Y., Xie, R., & Guo,   J. (2019). Assessment of the     Hotspot Effect   for the PROSAIL Model with POLDER Hotspot Observations Based on the   Hotspot-Enhanced Kernel-Driven BRDF Model. IEEE Transactions on    Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57, 8048-8064 (SCI)

11.   Zhang, X., Jiao, Z., Dong, Y., Ding, A., Yin, S., Zhang, H., Cui, L.,       & Chang, Y. (2019). Assessment of the direct-estimation surface   albedo     algorithm using diurnal time-series flux   measurements and 30-m snow-free     Landsat TM   reflectance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58,   1550-1567 (SCI)

12. Ding,   A., Jiao, Z.*, Dong, Y., Qiu, Y., Zhang, X., Xiong, C., He, D., Yin, S., Cui,   L., & Chang, Y. (2019). An assessment of the performance of   two snow kernels in characterizing snow scattering properties. International   Journal of Remote Sensing, 210, 325-344 (SCI)

13. Dong,   Y., Jiao, Z.*, Yin, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Cui, L., He,   D.,     Ding, A., Chang, Y., & Yang, S. (2018).   Influence of Snow on the Magnitude and Seasonal Variation of the Clumping   Index Retrieved from MODIS BRDF Products. Remote Sensing, 10, 1194 (SCI)

14. Cui,   L., Jiao, Z.*, Dong, Y., Zhang, X., Sun M., Yin S., Chang Y., He D.,   & Ding A. (2018). Forest Vertical Structure From Modis Brdf   Shape     Indicators. In, 2018 IEEE International   Geoscience and Remote Sensing     Symposium (IGARSS),   5911-5914 (EI)

15. 崔磊,唐丽玉*,孙梅,杨怡斐 (2018). 面向辐射模拟的叶片模型的网格简化方法. 计算机工程与应用, 54, 183-188 (中文核心)

16. 杨怡斐,   唐丽玉*, 崔磊,陈舒炜 (2018). 利用辐射度模拟虚拟枇杷果园冠层光分布. 计算机工程与应用, 11, 1701-0113 (中文核心)

17. 邬群勇,孙梅,崔磊 (2016). 时空数据模型研究综述. 地球科学进展, 10, 1001-1011 (中文核心)




社会兼职:Remote   Sensing, Journal of Cloud Computing等期刊审稿人



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