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Wang, Z., Liu, X.*, Xie, H., Chen, S., Chen,     J., Wang, H., Ma, M., Chen, F., 2024. Time-transgressive onset of Holocene     Climate Optimum in arid central Asia and its association with cultural     exchanges. Land, 13(3): 356.

Wang, S., Yang, G., Bershaw, J., Liu, X.,     Yoshimura, K., Xiao, Y., Zhang, M., 2024. Interannual variations in stable     isotopes of atmospheric water in arid Central Asia due to changes in     atmospheric circulation. Global and Planetary Change, 234, 104367.

Liu, X.*, Chen, J., Chen, S., Wang, H.,     Huang, W., Feng, S., Chen, F., 2023. Abrupt climate change in arid central     Asia during the Holocene: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 242, 104450.

Chen, S., Chen, J., Lv, F., Liu, X., Huang, W.,     Wang, T., Liu, J., Hou, J., Chen, F., 2022. Holocene moisture variations in     arid Central Asia: Reassessment and reconciliation. Quaternary Science     Reviews, 297, 107821.

Zhang, Z., Liu, J., Chen, J., Chen, S., Shen, Z.,     Chen, J., Liu, X., Wu, D., Sheng, Y., Chen, F., 2021. Holocene     climatic optimum in the East Asian monsoon region of China defined by     climatic stability. Earth-Science Reviews, 212, 103450.

Liu, X., Liu, J., Chen, S., Chen, J.,     Zhang, X., Yan, J., Chen, F., 2020. New insights on Chinese cave δ18O     records and their paleoclimatic significance. Earth-Science Reviews, 207,     103216.

Liu, X., Liu, J., Shen, C.-C., Yang, Y.,     Chen, J., Chen, S., Wang, X., Wu, C.-C., Chen, F., 2020. Inconsistency     between records of δ18O and trace element ratios from stalagmites: Evidence     for increasing mid-late Holocene moisture in arid central Asia. The     Holocene, 30(3): 369-379.

Zhang, X., Liu, X., Zhang, W., 2020.     Synchronicity of abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period (in     Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 65: 3853.

Li, Y., Rao, Z., Xu, Q., Zhang, S., Liu, X.,     Wang, Z., Cheng, H., Edwards, R. L., Chen, F., 2020. Inter-relationship and     environmental significance of stalagmite δ13C and δ18O records from Zhenzhu     Cave, north China, over the last 130 ka. Earth and Planetary Science     Letters, 536, 116149.

Liu, X., Rao, Z., Shen, C.-C., Liu, J.,     Chen, J., Chen, S., Wang, X., Chen, F., 2019. Holocene solar activity     imprint on centennial- to multidecadal-scale hydroclimatic oscillations in     arid central Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124 (5):     2562-2573.

Li, Y., Zhang, S., Liu, X., Gao, Y., Rao, Z.,     2019. Variations of the stable isotopic composition of precipitation and     cave drip water at Zhenzhu cave, north China: a two-year monitoring study.     Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 81: 123-135.

Zhang, Z., Liu, J., Liu, X., Chen, S., Yu, A.,     Zhang, X., Chen, J., Shen, Z., Chen, J., Zhang, S., Xia, H., Chen, F.,     2019. Seasonal variations in the lake-water oxygen isotope composition of     four lakes in the East Asian summer monsoon region: Implications for the     interpretation of paleo-isotope records. Progress in Physical Geography:     Earth and Environment, 44(4): 572-588.

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Liu, X., Chiang, H.-W., Rigaud, S.,     Leclerc, F., Herdhiyanti, T., Johnny, J., Djamil, Y.S., Meilano, I.,     Bijaksana, S., Abidin, H.Z., Tapponnier, P., Wang, X., 2016. U/Th dating of     uplifted coral terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia). Goldschmidt Conference     Abstracts, 1862.

Liu, X., Rao, Z., Zhang, X., Huang, W.,     Chen, J., Chen, F., 2015. Variations in the oxygen isotopic composition of     precipitation in the Tianshan Mountains region and their significance for     the Westerly circulation. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(7): 801-816.

Rao, Z., Liu, X., Hua, H., Gao, Y., Chen, F.,     2015. Evolving history of the East Asian summer monsoon intensity during     the MIS5: inconsistent records from Chinese stalagmites and loess deposits.     Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(7): 3937-3950.

Li, Y., Rao, Z., Liu, X., Jin, M., Chen, F.,     2015. Interannual correlations between modern precipitation δ18O and     precipitation amount recorded by GNIP stations in China and India (in     Chinese). Chinese Science Bulletin, 60: 741-743.

Rao, Z., Guo, W., Xie, L., Huang, C., Liu, X.,     Hua, H., Chen, F., 2015. High resolution δ13CTOC and magnetic     susceptibility data from the late Early Pleistocene southern margins of the     Chinese Loess Plateau. Organic Geochemistry, 87: 78-85.

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Rao, Z., Zhang, X., Xue, Q., Xu, Y., Liu, X.,     2012. Primary organic carbon isotopic study result of Xifeng Loess/Red clay     profile (in Chinese). Quaternary Sciences, 32 (4): 825-527.




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